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About Us

"Improving the Quality of Life Through Education


Region 6 Adult Education department manages multiple programs under the Texas Workforce Commission in the area of adult education and literacy. As lead agency, we oversee the implementation of adult education services provided through the 13 counties of the Gulf Coast Workforce Board/Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC). The GCWB/HGAC consortium provides these services to ensure that our participants obtain the necessary skills and/or education certification needed to become more employable, productive, and responsible citizens. 

We also work in collaboration with and receive funding from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning (TCALL), to provide support to AEL providers across the state in various career pathway models: Integrated Education and Training (IET), Integrated El Civics (IET for ELLs), Intensive Services, and Transition to Postsecondary Education. In addition, ESC Region 6 provides direct AEL Services to participants in the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) area. 


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