ELL2.0 Irina McGrath, Ph.D and Michelle Shory, Ed.S are ESL Instructional Coaches and Google Certified Educators who share ideas for fusing research-based pedagogy and andragogy with innovative and engaging methods, that often include technology.
Engaging techniques for effective teaching
For every tool you'll find:
An explanation of how and when to use it
A template students can use to implement the tool
A place to take notes about how you use each tool
We're also adding videos that will show you the strategies in action.
Easy ESL Games - A ton of ESL games for making language teaching fun. ESL games, songs, and downloadable resources for ESL and EFL teachers.
ESL games and activities for adult English learners
Colorin Colorado - A bilingual site for educators and families
Literacy Center Education Network
U.S. Department of Education/ El Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos
Storyplace the Childrens Digital Learning Library --English/Spanish
Sites for Grades 1-2